Wednesday, March 5, 2014

*UPDATE* - A Deep Dive Into What I Did Right and What I Did Wrong on Social Media

*UPDATE - I've made a few changes throughout and finished up the Analysis and Conclusion sections.  Take another look and let me know what you think.*

Hey everyone!

A little something different for this week.  For my final paper, I created a Storify in order to track how I did in integrating my social media presence throughout the course.  I've embedded it below.  It is no where near done, of course, but gives a good idea of the format I will go with for my final draft and indications of how the rest of it will look.

On another note, please let me know if anything looks odd or something seems missing.  I've been having trouble with my Storify with certain blocks of texts going missing consistently.  I've been through it again before I posted and I think everything looks fine but please let me know if there seems to be any areas of confusion.  Also, let me know if any one else has also run into this glitch with their Storifys.

Any feedback to how it looks or reads so far is greatly appreciated.  I look forward to hearing everyone's comments and thoughts.


  1. Hello again, everybody. I actually just noticed another smaller, block of text that just disappeared between when I saved my Storify and when I posted it here. Below the last set of tweets, I had written some notes about how I wanted to move forward with my Activity section and the Analysis header.

    Is anyone else running into this problem?

  2. Hi Nash- really great start!!! Thanks for dropping the Storify curation into blogger. It makes it easier to comment this way.

    I would develop the strategy section a bit more. I think you focus primarily on content, but the use of Twitter and Pinterest, blog design etc were certainly part of your overall strategy.

    Under objectives and goals you draw the distinction between true engagement and simple page views. What stats were you using to measure this engagement, specifically? I think you should consider tying them into your section on objectives and goals.

    Great idea linking back to your blog posts as you describe them!

    My only other suggestion is to break up the large paragraph you show under the Analysis section.

    Again, really nice job.


    1. Thanks for the notes Susan! I will definitely work on those parts. Regarding true engagement vs. simple page views, I was thinking of using Google Analytics to track bounce rates, duration of visit, and take into account comments. Do you think I should mention this under my objectives and goals or should I use that information under my Analysis portion?

    2. Hi Nash-
      I think that you should highlight what your expectations were in objectives and goals and then give us the results under the Analysis portion. Thanks.

  3. Nashrid, great outline. I would break up the paragraph under the Analysis section to make it easier to read.
    Also, I agree with Susan. You should incorporate your Twitter and Pinterest usage into you Strategy section. It looks like that worked out great for you as far as views.

    1. Thanks for the advice, Adrea. Yeah, it definitely looks like I should go into more how I planned to use Twitter and Pinterest so I'll make sure to go into more of that in my Strategy section.

  4. Nashrid,

    I thought that the images used in your Storify paper were great! I agree with Andrea that using more images in the analysis section to tell the story instead of text would enhance your paper. You talked about the spike in your numbers on your post “Social Media is the New Word of Mouth” and how keywords contributed to more page views. I was curious as to what the key words were that you used. How did those words and phrases make your post easier to find?

    Your paper flows very well and is organized so that people can easily follow. I think breaking up the text a bit and adding a few more images will help make your paper even better.

    Great job!


    1. Thank you for your comments, Travis. I will definitely try to go into what lead to the spike with that specific post. I have some ideas and I definitely need to go a bit more in depth with my analysis.

  5. Hi Nashrid,

    I think you really made an interesting and compelling Storify page, with great images and info about your strategy. You do a really good job of showing what you did, but not much on how your strategy grew throughout the class. Did you learn new tips to increase traffic to your blog? Or discover key words that made a difference in which posts received more traffic?

    Where would you improve your strategy if you had to start your blog all over? How would you make those improvements?

    Excellent job Nashrid!

    1. Thanks for your comments, Dawn!

      That all sounds like really great ideas. Do you think I should go into what I could've improved or what I found worked for my Conclusion or go into it a bit more in depth with my analysis?

    2. Hi Nashrid,

      Your analysis would include the statistical data that shows the success or non success. This would include your numbers of bageviews, blog comments, traffic sources, etc.

      In your Conclusion, I would include whether you reached your goals and objectives, along with why you did or did not reach them. Then discuss what you would change to reach the goals, or improve in the future. This can also include what you learned and how you will use that knowledge in your daily job or intended career.

      I look forward to reading your revisions next week!


  6. You make a good point Dawn. I myself could see how my methods improved as we progressed through the weeks. It is an interesting exercise to try to put ourselves back to week one and trace our advancement. I think we may impress ourselves!

    1. Hi Susan,

      Yes, it is an interesting viewpoint. I, unfortunately, am not blown away with what I see in terms of my blogs numbers, international followers, etc. as some of the bloggers in the class ... however I am really impressed with what I do see, which is my understanding of how the entire process workes and fits together like a puzzle. Without all of the pieces going together correctly, the numbers can be swayed. As an example, I have a link to all of my teammates blogs, which is there permanently. So, on some of the class' stats pages, it looks as though I go to their blogs a zillion times ... however I think it may have been my links. As someone finishes commenting on my blog, they can simply click the link to another teammate, or classmate from Group A that week. So the numbers are swayed.

      So, when that classmate looks at the numbers, they can make the conclusion that by following me, and my following them, their activity on other classmates blogs led traffic through a blog connected link.

      I think I just confused myself by trying to explain this ... but hopefully it made sense to someone besides myself! Lol!


    2. That's funny....I was wondering why I saw so many page views from you! Glad to hear you are not a stalker. It is true, however, that we should be looking at how our numbers may be skewed by our own personal views, for example. I checked the box in Blogger so that my own visitation should not be tracked.

  7. Hey Nashrid, I really like your use of images to tell your blog story. You did a great job integrating Twitter best practices to promote your blog.

    You might want to create a subtitle under analysis to describe your audience and then go into your metrics. I also noticed you never went into detail about your audience demographics. You might want to share who exactly you were targeting, and some factoids about your followers (their interests, age range, etc.)

    Overall, you did an awesome job!

    1. Thanks for your feedback Amanda!

      I'll definitely try to get more in to my audience demographics for my final draft. I definitely need to work on breaking up my Analysis section as well.

  8. Hi Nash-
    I look forward to seeing an updated post.

  9. Nashrid,

    You did a great job of describing your activities each week. I enjoyed reading your description of your posts and additional social media posts. You did a good job of showing how you used pinterest and twitter to drive traffic to your site. I also liked that you brought up keywords as a major reason for increased views during one week. You did a good job of analyzing your blog posts and view ratings throughout the paper. How do you feel about blogging in general after going through this project? Did you feelings about it change from the beginning of the course to now?

    Great Post!
