Thursday, January 23, 2014

Introductions, Salutations, Etc.

Hello Internet!

Welcome to my Social Media Strategies and Tactics blog.  As some of you may know, my name is Nash and this will be my central social media identity over the course of my IMC graduate program.  More specifically, this blog has been created in connection with my Social Media Strategies and Tactics class but hopefully it will remain updated past that as well.

I've done some blogging in the past, mostly in connection with bigger sites but I have done some personal blogging as well.  These were mostly movie and entertainment related.  The one I'm probably most proud of was a film review blog that I updated pretty regularly for a while but, unfortunately, couldn't find the time to keep going with AS real life commitments kept getting in the way.  It has now long since been abandoned.  If you're at all curious about it, you can find it here.  As will become evident, I'm sure, over the course of the semester, I have a real obsession with the film and television industry and everything related to it.

I feel its important to develop a consistent, constantly updated presence and identity in the social media sphere and I feel I've really dropped the ball on that.  With the help of this class and the connective social media tissue (Blogger, Twitter, Pinterest) that I must develop for it, I hope to create a following, of a sort, that I can hopefully build upon and really learn how to nurture and cultivate.

Anyways, I look forward to going on this journey with all of you and I leave you all with this video that I think really sums up how important social media is to the future of the communications industry.  For those in my Social Media Strategies and Tactics class, I'm sure it will be very familiar.

Oh, and of course follow me over on Twitter @nashridc and over on Pinterest, username Lotsofnames.

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