Wednesday, March 5, 2014

*UPDATE* - A Deep Dive Into What I Did Right and What I Did Wrong on Social Media

*UPDATE - I've made a few changes throughout and finished up the Analysis and Conclusion sections.  Take another look and let me know what you think.*

Hey everyone!

A little something different for this week.  For my final paper, I created a Storify in order to track how I did in integrating my social media presence throughout the course.  I've embedded it below.  It is no where near done, of course, but gives a good idea of the format I will go with for my final draft and indications of how the rest of it will look.

On another note, please let me know if anything looks odd or something seems missing.  I've been having trouble with my Storify with certain blocks of texts going missing consistently.  I've been through it again before I posted and I think everything looks fine but please let me know if there seems to be any areas of confusion.  Also, let me know if any one else has also run into this glitch with their Storifys.

Any feedback to how it looks or reads so far is greatly appreciated.  I look forward to hearing everyone's comments and thoughts.